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Discover The Power Of Your Mind

With The Mental Game Plan

Sports Hypnosis & Mental

Game Coaching Program

Why Should You Use Sports Hypnosis?

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Understanding Sports hypnosis vs. Sports Psychology

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Sports Psychology

Sports psychology primarily focuses on understanding and applying psychological principles to enhance physical performance, resilience, and overall well-being. This discipline encompasses:

  • Cognitive and behavioral strategies to improve concentration and reduce performance anxiety.

  • Techniques to enhance motivation and set practical goals.

  • Methods to manage stress and cope with the psychological responses associated with competition and training.


Key Approaches Include:


  • Counseling on performance enhancement.

  • Coaching on dealing with pressure and developing coping mechanisms.

  • Educational workshops on teamwork and communication skills.

Sports psychology is rooted in direct, conscious interventions and often employs a more analytical and structured approach to problem-solving.


Sports Hypnosis

Sports hypnosis, on the other hand, delves deeper into the subconscious mind, utilizing the state of heightened suggestibility to instill robust psychological improvements. It directly engages with the inner workings of the athlete’s mind to enhance performance through subconscious training. This method is highly effective in:

  • Quickly altering deep-seated beliefs and behaviors that impact performance.

  • Enhancing mental readiness and visualization skills.

  • Instilling powerful, automatic responses to competitive situations.


Key Techniques Include:

  • Guided imagery to visualize successful performance outcomes.

  • Suggestion therapy to reinforce self-belief, calmness, and focus under pressure.

  • Hypnotic rehearsal to practice physical skills mentally, enhancing muscle memory without physical strain.


Sports hypnosis is particularly beneficial because it goes beyond the surface level, creating lasting changes that are automated and deeply embedded within an athlete's psyche.

Sports hypnosis is not just about achieving short-term goals but is a powerful tool for transformative mental conditioning, enabling athletes to consistently perform at their best, devoid of the conscious effort required to maintain such states. This approach is ideal for athletes who are ready to transcend traditional boundaries and explore the true extent of their potential.

Why We Favor Sports Hypnosis

At The Mental Game Plan, we champion sports hypnosis for its profound and rapid impact on performance. Unlike sports psychology, which works with the conscious mind and requires ongoing practice and reinforcement, sports hypnosis facilitates immediate changes in behavior and mindset through direct communication with the subconscious. This makes it exceptionally effective for athletes looking to:

  • Achieve quick and lasting changes in performance and mental habits.

  • Access and utilize untapped mental power during critical moments of competition.

  • Overcome mental barriers that have been resistant to other forms of psychological intervention.

Sports hypnosis is not just about achieving short-term goals but is a powerful tool for transformative mental conditioning, enabling athletes to consistently perform at their best, devoid of the conscious effort required to maintain such states. This approach is ideal for athletes who are ready to transcend traditional boundaries and explore the true extent of their potential.

By choosing sports hypnosis, you’re not just preparing for the game; you’re changing the game. Trust in the transformative power of your mind with The Mental Game Plan’s Sports Hypnosis Program, where we unlock the champion within you through the mastery of your subconscious.

We Work With All Sports

What Our Clients Say?

“I am entering six months of sports hypnosis, and it has changed the way I react to pressured moments on the field.”

Sandy Williams, VCU Lacrosse

“I started sports hypnosis training my freshman year in college and it has totally changed my game for the better.”

Justin Medlock, SMU Football

“Sports Hypnosis has sharpened my attention to detail in the game and at the moment when I know I need to make a play.”

Jayce Medlock, Alabama St Football

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